Some mistakes for white men dating black women

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For some black women, it's not so easy to enjoy the dating feeling with white men, especially for the first time. You may ask why? But to some black women, they will wonder if they have anything in common with their white men, if they have the same topic to discuss and if they have the same interests! In fact you do not have to consider too much about these, ignore his race and just keep relax is ok. However, what make you feel unfortunate is your plan can not be in progress because of the mistakes made by some white men, like they can not help keeping reminding you are the different race when comment on some topics! Although it's not the purpose of the white guy to do these, it has influenced the first date more or less! Doing these comments not only will destroy the first date, but also damage the image of other white guy in these black girls'; heart. Believe it or not, following I will give a list of the most annoying mistakes that white men always make on the first date.

“I am interested in hip hop and Black music”

It's been 2015, right? Why there are still so many white men want to prove that they love hip hop and Black music?

It' well acknowledged that some black women love alternative or rock music, but the problem is that you do not have to prove you like it, it will not make the black women consider you as a cooler guy but it's too difficult for you to try this!

What's your idea about some current black issues?

Frankly speaking, it's not good to have the deep discussion about politics on the first date. However, for some reason, white men sometimes will care your idea about the popular black issues. Do not misunderstand, it's not I mind to discuss these, but I think it's not appropriate to talk about the politics in the first time, for these black women will wonder is there no other words to say between us?

Say “NO” to prove their civil right

Some white guys feel the need to prove they have the civil rights and equally treat other race; at this time they usually will share some sort of heroic stories where they once combated racism. The story usually ends with “I told them no because you should not judge someone by the color of their skin” or “I said you shouldn’t do that because it's racist.” Can we just have a normal date where we talk about what we like to do for fun or what we do for a living?

I have many Black friends”


Some white men are always introducing they have many black friends and talking about their black friends, because they think it will leave good impression to these black girls. This consecutive reminds just want to improve you are not a racist because you have many black friends, right? Although your date will not involve the racism, the result is the same, what these black women care is you not your friends, no matter they are black or white. So having many black friends will not help both you to enjoy the first date.

I love all kinds of women, no matter you are black or white

Maybe for some reason, white men feel they it necessary to tell us that they are interested in women who are out of their race, now that you have already been dating with me, do not you like black women? If you do not date with me, that mean you will not waste time to emphasize your dating concept about your partner, right? In fact, these black women would rather you talk the normal topic on the first date, such as their interests, what you can do for fun later…

I have a thing for Black Women”

Maybe it seems quite normal, but it is just nothing to the date. Black women have an absolutely different meaning to “having a thing”. It sounds like you have some kind of superstition for black women and want to use me to satisfy your some desire in your mind. Once you say these wording, it's time to end your dating, sorry, for black women, they have no interests to complete your sudden desires!

Do not re-enforce Black stereotypes

One of the most terrible things is that white men sometimes will re-enforce Black stereotypes, even look it as a joking way. Such as white men will say “do you like hot sauce?” I think it's safe to say that most white men know that referencing any shape of fried chicken to a Black person can be impolite. Besides, not all black people love hot sauce, hot wings, or spicy food , also this will tell the black women that you are simply treat them by their color, you must know not every black woman like your stereotype, and not every black women just say “No”!